R.I.P. Andy Williams

I remember looking forward to his Chrismas Special every year.
He will be missed.
old timers as it were... i still think H.Mancini and B.Bacharach wrote some amazing music. it still gives me a lift. even if it's inside an "elevator"....
I never liked the kind of music he sang, especially when sung by his peers. But every time he appeared on TV I was glued to the set. I found his voice very appealing and always enjoyed his performances.
Time has come today. I love Andy Williams. Blew away Old Blue Eyes. Bacharach is definitely at the top of the list. Is there another list?
A great talent, and by all accounts, a good man as well. He had an unusual quality that few male singers posess, (Gary Puckett and Glen Campbell come to mind) of having a very sweet high register, while remaining very masculine at the same time. I will miss him, but remember him through his music.