RMAF 2012 Postmortem

Doesn't seem to be an RMAF 2012 thread yet.

Wondering what people thought, so I'll make a start.

Best in Show:

The big Ventures. Hard to describe how good these speakers sounded without being sappy. IMHO, embarrassing to other "statement" speakers at the show, like the big TAD and Lansche.

I was mostly interested in high efficiency speakers. Especially good were:

Zu Defintion IV
Devore Gibbon 93 and 96
Sonist C4

The Sonists, playing in the Snake River system, sounded especially good considering their (comparatively) reasonable price.

A few other noteworthy speakers were

Vapor's new 3 way

Vivid's space alien rendition of a mini-tower in the Tweak geek room

The Evolution mini-monitor was the best (reasonably) accessible speaker I heard, at 2500. Very good.

Opinions based on information overload, over a day and a half of listening.

Any other impressions?

Mrtennis:Sanders and Magnepan. I was very very impressed with the Sanders. Really have intergrated the sub well and the bass came thru extremely well. I didn't hear the Maggies but one thing I noticed is how many speakers are using the planar or Air Motion transformers. And sounding quite well. As far as your other questions, I can't say as I have not been bit by the digital bug beyond SACD yet.
Hi Jdoris, Focusing on efficient speakers, did you get a chance to hear the Vaughn Cabernet lls. I couldn’t make the show and would welcome any comments and comparisons on these speakers.
I have only heard of the company peripherally before, but my big winner was YG Acoustics, especially in the Veloce room. Veloce is newer amplification company that employs a sophisticated battery system to power their hybrid amps and preamp.

Also really liked BSC room with Harbeths. Bret D'Agostino is a cool guy, and that room was certainly the best sound I heard with sub $10k components. Glad someone is making a fairly affordable class a amp with decent power rating.

I also liked Devore and am considering purchasing them, unless an extra several grand falls out the sky for the Carmel.

I heard most panel speakers, just not Magnepan as far as I know. I was impressed by Sanders' integration of the panel and woofer. The transition is really smooth as the frequency drops, and stays together even with very dynamic music. Sounded good even off-axis; there were only three seats were in the room, arranged in tandem. Better though, for more money, was Analysis Audio, which had the benefit of being located in ballroom. A.A. did not have the standard diaphragm excursion "thwap" sound of electrostatics. Not as clear sounding with not as good woofer integration was M.L.

There was also a lot I was curious to hear, but didn't enjoy.
Not wishing to be disloyal to Audiogon, but Audiocircle.com have a very good and thorough show report and some lively feedback from attendees. Give it a look if you have'nt already.

I only attended once in 09 and won't again, not that I did'nt enjoy it, but coming from the UK, it is just too expensive. Best show I've been to though.
What I really like - Speakers with their front setups - Vivid K1 (I can stay in this room forever), YG Anat, Brodman, Joseph Audio new Pearl, PMC monitors and Sonus Faber Vorere. Hope I got their spelling right.

Really disappointed that some brands like Magico and Avantgarde are not represented this year.....
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