AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?
Look, I am by nature a skeptic. By education and profession I am a scientist. I'm a pretty good problem solver, as attested by 6 patents and a few publications in scientific journals. I don't easily buy into audio tweeks that invoke metaphysical explainations. What I do is run experiments. I can understand why a 40 year old spec grade outlet that obviously is loose might be a problem. It's pretty cheap and makes good sense to replace those with new high quality outlets. Its a little higher hurdle to spend 50 bucks on an outlet, but, there are a number of people around here who swear by them. So, I bought a PS audio outlet a few years back and gave it a try. I really didn't notice anything, so I didn't go any further. About a year ago, Audio magic offered a "good" price on their nanostreamed outlets, and I have had good luck with their stuff, so I decided to give it a try again. As I said in my previous post, it made a huge difference. I was so surprised that I doubted my own ears, so I actually put the old outlets back in and switched them back and forth several times. I can't explain why they made such a huge difference, but they certainly did. There are things we experience that aren't consistent with our expectations. All I'm saying is run the experiment with unbiased ears. Sometimes people hear what they expect to hear. That cuts both ways. Don't exclude yourselves from a tweek that might make a huge difference. Run the experiement. If it helps great. If not, well, it was only a $50 experiment.

I tried to look up the AudioMagic nonostream outlets but came up empty handed, where did you source yours ?


Another example of EFFECT without a CAUSE. Which seems to be the foundation upon which high-end audio is built.
I would shoot Audio magic an email. Jerry has usually been pretty fast in getting back to me. I got my nanoplexes straight from Jerry. He ran an add for them a while back and sold them direct. Another option would be to contact Audiogon user Fork, who is an Audio Magic dealer. As I said I was not expecting much, but I was just stunned. One thing I would mention is that they sounded great straight out of the box, but after a few hours they went through a period of a few hours where my amps didn't sound so good. I left them on for a while, maybe a couple days, and that seemed to do the trick and they were back to sounding super again.

If you look at my system page you will see I am using other Audio Magic gear for power treatment. It seems to really be working well for me.
Rok2id. Everything has a cause, but I dare say you cannot explain every phenonenon that occurs. Last I checked, there was still a debate about what "causes" gravity. I don't know of anyone who walks around claiming there is no gravity, or says, "I'm not going to believe in gravity until it can be fully explained."