AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?
I don't want to skew what people want tested but here's my offer- I'll put up
$50 bucks toward the purchase of some additional outlets -whichever they
are, I don't care, let the folks here pick em by consensus for the test. Send
me a PM Peter, or just go
to my media business website and email me from there: it is
flyingreptilemediagroup. Let the people decide what they want 'tested'- I
have no vested interest in the outcome, and those who know me here know
i'm not a shill for anybody, whether it's Peter (who I don't even think I've
chatted with before this thread), or any other manufacturer or dealer. (I do
know Albert and have bought stuff from him, but if you decide that the X
outlet kicks Albert's ass, so be it. ;)
And it may be that more folks want to see a battle royale between the
cheap or pretty cheap stuff and the 'super audiophile grade' stuff, just to
see if a standard part from the hardware store can live up to, or even beat,
the high priced spread.
I'll give some thought to some recordings that might be revealing but part of
it, aside from good quality recording, is simply that you know it well enough
that it 'becomes' a reference- -you know what to look for. Unfortunately,
once you've listened to the same record a million times for that purpose,
you begin to hate it! (The Records to Die From Syndrome a/k/a 'No
Stairway to Heaven' sign in the Wayne's World movie).
Glad to help with ideas if I can,
but I still hope we get some behavioral scientist types for methological
suggestions. I'm kinda of running around for the next week in Austin, so I'm
not sure how much I'll be on the board, but I'll try to stay plugged in. (sorry
for the bad pun, but one other issue- some of these outlets have different
coatings, don't they? Even from the same brand? So, what about that as a
factor? Don't mean to add to your headaches...).
bill hart
Hi Peter,

another relatively cheap, but said to be good sounding outlet is the maestro. It is used in an extremely expensive range of mains conditioner called Tripoint.

I think it is very important to try the outlets that are said to sound great.

The cheap non audiophile ones will most likely be much the same as each other. In my experience sounding metallic, shut in, and nasty in the treble for whatever reason when compared to good audiophile outlets.

Surely the point is to show why an audiophile would/should bother changing outlets? If some effort to audition "good" sounding ones is not put in we may miss the most important point. That point is to refine the various links in the chain to allow a hiend system to function at its best.

Personally I feel you need to have driven a great car to know why you would aspire to one.

Prepare yourself for an interesting time.

Do allow time to burn in the outlets. Some are said to sound quite bad initially.
Well first I also applaud Peter for his willingness to see if his beliefs actually hold true in application. I respect that a great deal (not that anyone cares!).

As has been mentioned, in my experience many of the cheapos, even to the plain hospital grade, sound very similar and without some pretty long exposure to familiar music may be harder to discern than the more specialized devices. maybe this is due to difference coatings (Rhodium etc)?

Another factor I think is important here is you may want to consider using the same connectors throughout. If not you then run the risk of hearing the connectors rather than the outlets as they also sound different. Even within brands they sound different and use different platings. Rhodium plugs on Rhodium outlets are going to sound different than Brass on Brass etc.

Many thanks for your time, efforts and financial investment. Look forward to following the process.

Thank you for the recognition, it is greatly appreciated.

As far as the AC plugs - I think that if the AC outlet test is to be meaningful then the "correct" AC plug has to be used as well, the outlet is only half of the connection point, the plug being the other half, which is why I have selected the exact same level of plug on the off the shelf outlets. On the Audio Grade outlets I have asked the suppliers of them what AC plug they recommend for best performance of their outlet, and I have got an answer form all but the supplier of the Teslaplex - but a friend of mine have some power cords form Synergistic from which I will "borrow" a plug.

Good Listening

A good variety of plugs can be obtained from vh Audio. I would also ask Chris for advice. He is very familiar with the materials and the differences. I too am a skeptic, but the things of his I have tried, he has been accurate each time. Now, I listen, and open up the mind a bit.