AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?

I got the Furutech FPX-G Outlet and the Furutech FI-11M-G AC Plug along with the Pass Seymour CR6300 Cryo Outlet from VH Audio.

They seem to have a great selection of various tweaks. They shipped the same day I ordered so great service too, highly recommended.

Good Listening

Another outlet definitely worth considering is the silver plated Acme Audio duplex. This is the outlet preferred by Bob Crump.


Machina Dynamica

An outlet treated with special sauce :-) Don't know about this one. Pricing seem reasonable.

I think we have a pretty good selection of outlets for the test - a real high$ has been suggested, make TBD, Whart has put up $50 for starting a SOAC (Super Outlet Action Committee) - let's see if he gets any donors.

Good Listening
