Volley...late 50...early 60's....anything done by Rudy VanGelder or Orin Keepnews. A good demonstration disk is "Inside Betty Carter" Half the disc is totaly awesome...probably done on a Ampex and the other half is kinda flat. Another point is during this period using Ampex with custom mixing boards was the hot ticket and the bandwith was big along with orchestras and vocalists on the same stage.....Sinatra & Basie,Tony Bennet,Jack Jones,EllaFitzgerald,Miles ect....classical all the living stereo,mercury,london phase4....Have these enormous soundstage and dynamics.....One of my favorites is a Marco Polo Cd "captain blood" with music by Korngold and others...just a beautiful piece....In fact I recently started collecting older soundtracks on CD....Koch has one with Miklas Roza's El Cid the organ music is spectacular. There's a lot of great CD stuff out there...
All this dubbed crap stinks....I like the older recordings they knew what the hell they were doing. Back in the late 50's and 60's most of the big strars wouldn't go near a studio if it wasn't tubes....The word was out SS didn't have the bandwith...sorry for the rant...