New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
Maril555, that power strip has about as much to do with accurate audio as an IWC Grande Complication has to do with keeping accurate time. Presumably, the person who buys that strip lives in a palace and adorns his audio room with masterpieces of art, not tube traps. Now do you get it? :-)
“Now do you get it? :-)"

Maril555, Yeah, you’re right. Even with the smiley face, that still comes off sounding haughty. I’m sorry, that wasn’t my frame of mind.
I know, I understand and, of course, I agree with you. I just thought, that much was implied in my original post.
And the other point- I do get your statement about IWC Grande Complications showing exactly the same time as $20 Timex.
By analogy $150 000 MB S600 will get you from point A to point B the same, as 1998 Hyundai, but that's not the pont of owning one.
I drive $65000 BMW and I'm OK with splurging on it, but I'm certainly is not OK with spending $65K on say a pair of Wilson Maxx3.
I honestly think my $65 K get me much higher value, being spent on BMW.
Again, when I think about a stupid box with a few off the shelf drivers in it, compared to a technological tour de force, that my 2011 BMW 535 is, I'm having all kinds of seconds thoughts about our hobby.
It is all about a degree of a compromise, a person is willing to make with his/hers expenditures.