IMO it's all relative to income or disposable income. If a working class guy makes say, $60,000 a year and has speakers that cost $5,000-$10,000 per pair, then a guy that makes 10 times that income can afford speakers costing $50,000-$100,000 dollars. it's the same amount of 'pain' so to speak. Lets not even go to the guys making millions a year. And the same applies to all other components, and income levels. And there are many, many people making mega bucks these days. So we have to put all this into context. The item in question is a nice looking piece, and as someone has pointed out, would blend in nicely in a high-end room. Probably does not 'sound' any different than my $16 dollar APC. But it's a nice piece. There are many people who would consider my $1,500 polks to be an obscence outrage. Members of my family included!! I tell everyone they cost $200. They seem to think they are 'big enough' in physical size to justify that amount. :)