Does anyone still miss the old Audiogon format?

I don't know about other Audiogoners but I'm still missing the old Audiogon format. It has a few shortcomings but they can be addressed and fixed to work just fine within the old format. What I miss the most is the "human side" of the old format vs. the new one which I found so "cold" and "impersonal".
I don't like to logon separately for forums and for ads. Why not just one logon for all and done deal like good old days?
New site needs work work work to get it workin' right. It's been quite a while so all bugs and bunnies should've been fixed or not to show up the mess to the public at all before it's properly tested.
Design ideas and new features are good, the development crew probably needs more school and training(bunch of amateurs).
In previous audiogon you wouldn't be able to argue or discuss about Gon's functionality because modarators will filter it out as 'unrelated to hobby' stuff. Current gon doesn't seem to filter or moderate anything I guess.
To me both of the versions current and previous created by ammateur development crews to the level of junior-high school graduates at it's best.
Well as a member since the mid-1990s, I can easily say that the "old" format was a lot more user friendly. And there were no "Comissions" on sales either. And the "transition" period was painful and made use of the site difficult at best.
Yes, the buying and selling column is so much better and user friendly than the new one!
ABSOLUTELY!I have had more "Server Error"crashes on the new A'Gon than I did in YEARS of use on the old system!Also it now seems replies to threads take a day or two to post & sometimes they NEVER get posted,as a matter of fact this is the second reply to this thread,the first one never being posted.