Next upgrade?

What should be my next upgrade?

System:Origin Live Aurora TT, with OL Silver Mk 2 arm, Ortofon 2M Blue, OL speed box, Musical Fidelity 3.2 int. amp, blue jans cables bi-wire, Jolida JD9A pre phono, Usher X719 speakers.

I'm leaning toward upgrading my cartridge to something with more detail and air. Maybe a MC cartridge in the $600 price range?

I also have the OL Aurora Mk2 and used to have a OL Silver (Mk1) on it for a few years. At that time I was using a Sumiko Blackbird cartridge since I only have the MM input on my VAC Standard LE. I found this to be an excellent combination. I subsequently have upgraded to a OL Encounter arm with a Benz Ebony H cartridge. I still have the Blackbird and would possibly be willing to part with it for less than your budget. Also do you have the VTA adjustment for your Silver. This is an important upgrade as you move up in cartridge quality for proper adjustment of SRA.
OL makes one and there are other ones that turn up produced in the past. For the OL version
check here.
Thanks I will contact them now. Perhaps that will be my next upgrade, then a cartridge...