Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Melbguy1, did you sale your Jorma Prime speaker cables on audiogon?, If so, I was not aware you had them for sale, You will never believe who I just talked to?, Matthew Bond himself, The designer of Tara labs cables, and Founder!
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Ok I played the Tara Labs Cascade file for 9 hours straight. It's hard to describe what I hear other than to say there is an ease to the music. I can turn the volume up higher than I what I normally listen at without fatigue.

Thanks for the tip Audiolab!
Matthew Bond is a gentleman and a incredible genius!, He sent me a profound E-mail explaining alot of how he has broght the industry of cables to where it is now, and more!, This is by far my favorite designer!