Dealer selling B stock doesn't tell customers

Does the dealer have a responsibility to tell the customers or do we go back to "Caveat emptor" (Let the buyer be ware)
I feel the dealer should tell you if it is B stock.
I don't feel there is anything wrong with B stock, but it should be disclosed to the buyer.
B stock can sometimes be worse than used. It can also mean that product may'd came out of the bad batch and than re-manufactured or repaired.
The dealer should absolutely tell you if the item you are buying is B stock. I would not count on all dealers to do so and would ask though.
While I'd agree that dealers should disclose if the stock they are selling is anything other than grade one, I'm curious how you made the determination that he isn't.
Funny thing, I just saw this post on AA. Don't you go there?

Just in case you missed it, short of qualifying disclosures to the contrary revealing it to be less than 1st quality new product, that would be fraud! Sort of the law in most jurisdictions of which I'm aware.