Dealer selling B stock doesn't tell customers

Does the dealer have a responsibility to tell the customers or do we go back to "Caveat emptor" (Let the buyer be ware)
Funny thing, I just saw this post on AA. Don't you go there?

Just in case you missed it, short of qualifying disclosures to the contrary revealing it to be less than 1st quality new product, that would be fraud! Sort of the law in most jurisdictions of which I'm aware.
Mlsstl, If you were asking me how I know it happens, I have had it happen to me. A dealer sold me a cd player, didn't mention that it was B stock. Someone who knew the dealer better told me it was B stock after I had problems with it.

I returned it twice under warranty and after the 1 year warranty ran out the fourth one conked out. I threw it away and got a different player. That's how I know.
Can someone please define the term "B stock"? I thought it meant that the product had a blemish of some kind, but was fully operational or the item had been discontinued. Also if it was opened to look at by the store and customer.

"B stock can sometimes be worse than used. It can also mean that product may'd came out of the bad batch and than re-manufactured or repaired."
- Shouldn't this scenario be called "refurbished?"

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