Krell FBP200C/which tube pre will sound best

I have a Krell 200C and want to make a jump to tubes in the pre-amp to smooth out the sound. My speakers are B&W-802. Shunyata sidewinder gold power cords, wireworld ecilpse 2 speaker cable. Krell KAV-250 cd. My only concern is I hear alot about upkeep. Need some imput. I listen to jazz, classical music, thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.
I get the sense that the SF Line preamps may be one of the few tube preamps that can be used safely with the Krell FBP series without having to use the internal jumpers that insert coupling capacitors into the signal path. The Line series preamps feature a direct coupled output -- and no coupling capacitors. According to my FPB300 manual, the jumpers only need to be utilized with capacitively coupled tube preamplifiers. The FPB300 is a new addition to my system, and is now pared with a SF Line 3. I do plan to touch base with Krell on Monday to see is my understanding is correct.
I am currently using a CAT ultimate with Krell FBP 300 driving B&W N802. This Pre and AMP Combo sounded fantastic to me. I use NBS Monitor I cable with one end RCA and the other end XLR specially prepare by NBS.
I just purchased a pair of 250fpb mono's & I asked about this very issue. My dealer said that the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 I am using would not be a problem for my amps. This dealer sold S.F. gear at one time. If anybody hears differently please let me know. Lwin
I have been using a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 with my KSA200s and it's a wonderful combination. Highly recommended. SF Line 3s are going for around $2-2.5K used right now. A great buy. Its nice to use balanced between the two which most pre's don't allow.