Anyone else have a ...

Odyssey Stratos amp that came with soldered fuses inside? When I called Klause last summer, he said they solder the fuses in so they won't come out in transit. Do other manufacturers do this? I haven't used a soldering iron and didn't want to chance a accident inside the chasis so I am having a local audio store desolder the fuses so I can change if I need to. I love the amp but, this really seems idiotic to solder in fuses that will have to be replaced later on. Thanks in advance for any replies.
The bottom line is that it makes a better electrical connection and is more reliable. This does not make it "more convenient" when something goes wrong. Sean
MUCH better connection. I have done it with my amps. And yes, it is a major hassle! I wouldn't worry about it, though.
The best solution is to build a product like a tank, sell only to those people that are careful when making connections and know how to operate their gear and NOT install ANY fuses in the gear other than maybe for the mains. I have a couple of amps like this.

Unfortunately, accidents DO happen and the manufacturer has to cover himself and protect the end user from themselves. As such, Klaus was simply trying to "protect" everyone involved while doing the least sonic damage. Be glad that he put that much forethought into building the product. Sean