Who services Meitner MTR 101 amps in U.S.?

In years past, Meitner was absorbed by another high end manufacturer and I am looking for information where to contact them to have a Meitner mono amp serviced for a buzzing sound. Or, if anyone knows a good high service shop in the San Francisco area, that would help too. Thanks.
Hello- Contact John Wright at www.emmlabs.com for your best bet on service for all Museatex equipment. It is Ed Meitner's new company (sorry...it's in Canada) and John is the head tech for service. John has been with Ed for many years and knows the 101's as well as the other Museatex products inside and out. A highly qualified person to deal with. Regards, Deano
If you go to http://www.cadvision.com/ads/adshome.htm you will find the
a/d/s web page for Canada. Click on Museatex. It will have all sorts of Meitner/Museatex information
including on-line manuals and service information.

I haven't checked with them in a while, but the last time I did, Ed Meitner answered the phone.

I had my amps upgraded elsewhere, but that's only because I hadn't tracked down Ed Meitner. Presumably you have
using the link above, but for the benefit of those searching the archive, I'd recommend the a/d/s page.
I don't think repairs/upgrades are being done through a/d/s any longer. I got no repsonse from them last winter.

Emmlabs is probably the best bet.
Posting, I know, to a very old thread, but just in case this is useful, John Wright still services and upgrades Meitner, Museatex and Melior products.

All the relevant info at: www.museatex.com.



[Own and recommend Meitner PA-6 and PA-6+ preamps, STR-55 stereo and MTR-101 mono amps; no experience with their digital stuff.]