Five amps that you want to try at home?

Only fools buy an expencive amp without trying it at home,
first, someone said. That might be right, but I for my part,
sometimes get tired of the many offerings, there are!
As I am interested in alternatives to the wellknown, great
brands, and belive, after hearing some Krell, Levinson,
Pass amps, that -however clever they may be, there is
a real risk that you have to pay some extra dollars just
for the name, and may I add, status that some of us are sensitive to, if you buy them.
So, if you agree with me that there is a fair chance to find
a product that is, let me say... very competitive, among
the less known brands, and the miracle occur: you are offered to listen to and compere a maximum of five amps in your home,and that you will be allowed to keep these amps for say..two weeks,which ones do you choose? I am the first to admitt that it´s a totally hypotetic question, (but on the other hand wouldn´t it be nice if there was a possibility of renting amps?)
As I live in Europe, your list and mine will probably differ,but being polite,so please begin!I´ll come back later.
Also, please tell us why your choses are interesting to you
what you aim at, and what you expect from them!
Håkan Ståhl
Why try unknowns when you can get something like Bryston, Aragon, Musical Fidelity... Well priced, excellent sound, great service (most important). If you want less known, try one that doesn't even advertise like BEL amps. I've heard one and it sounded great. The thing was only 50 watts, made with what looked like kids toy parts, but my goodness the bass control and soundstage was amazing... Good luck getting service though.
I would try a variety of SET amps by various makers including Audio Note, Wavac, and Cary. Also like to hear an Airtight tube amp. I would like to try monoblock as well as stereo SETs, and integrated too.
Audio Valve top of the line triode mono's
Lamm the entire line
Audio Research 600 and 300's