best budget integrated amp for rock n roll music?

--creek 4330
--cambridge audio a500
--audio analogue puccini
--audio refinement complete
--rega mira
i have B&W 302 speakers (small bookshelf type) and play cd's mostly. usually rock -- Dylan to Mission of Burma/Husker Du/Aerosmith -- some jazz and classical. opinions? other suggestions? thanks, ken

You just don't get it do you. IMHO, the Mistral is the best. This is only my OPINION. Absolutely NOTHING in this industry is OBJECTIVE (except for actual electrical measurements, which themselves can sometimes be suspect). If you disagree, then that is fine. I must ask you this: Have you heard the Mistral and if so, what other integrated pieces did you compare it to? If you have not heard it, then you have ZERO basis for your statement, "i HIGHLY doubt a $1500 integrated is gonna stack up to many $5k pieces". Also, the poster was asking about integrated amps only, NOT separates. So your statement that "one could find some very good separates that would easily outperform most integrateds" may be true, but has no relevance in this thread.

Look, all I was doing was bringing up an integrated that had yet to be mentioned that the poster should consider. That is it. You want others that I like, fine: Creek, Plinius, Rowland, and Chord. But in the price range the poster was asking about, the Mistral is the one I recommend.

Also, I take great exception to your statement, "the sad fact is that there ARE people who are easily swayed by what they read on-line". You insult the general "audiophile" population (me included) when you make statements like that. EVERY customer I have EVER dealt with has been very careful when throwing around the kind of money that this hobby can sometimes require. They listen, contemplate, listen again, take a break from auditioning for an extended period of time, listen to competing products I recommend, listen to those I represent again, ad infinitum, then they make a decision. Why do you think there is so much traffic to audio forums like this and Audioasylum? Because these "easily swayed" people as you call them are in the middle of extensive research concerning the products they are interested in.

Finally, LIGHTEN UP. As important as listening to great music on great equipment is to us, there are MUCH more important things in this life.

...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Thanks for the reply. You are correct when you state that I should have qualified my statement. Actually, right after I posted my original message, I re-read it and thought to myself, "Uh-oh, this might be taken the wrong way." Sure enough, it was.

As you stated, we as industry members do have additional responsibility concerning our conduct. It is critical that we behave in a most ethical and professional manor. To not do so hurts everyone in our profession. I most sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone or if any of my statements seemed unethical, as it was most certainly not intended.

...Mike - Father & Son Audio
All the comments are worth noting. I had the Audio Refinement Complete for about 1 year, and it was a marvelous unit sonically and functionally. I sold it and bought the Mcintosh MA 6450 integrated amp...WOW!! The Mac has phenomenal sound, build quality, and function. I wanted the exotic, imported, audiophile brands, and the best unit was right here in the good ol' U.S.A. Go listen to, and operate a Mcintosh. Worth every dollar, and then some.

Best Regards,
I could add the Densen Beat series... have also liked the "rocking" abilities of the rega, cyrus, & mfd -- but pls note, I have never listened to any of these machines with your speakers!

Finally, a (very) long shot: a used model "RG9" made by Symphonic Line. I has great sound & excellent rocking abilities -- and it's pricey, new.
Hence the long shot!
The Mistral is a bad little man. A couple years ago I heard it with a CD12 driving a pair of $4500 Ruark 3-ways, and, man, great tone, very potent, and smooth. They never told me the price of it, but I would of died if they said, "$995". I bought the pre a few months ago, used, based on on that audition. Great products. Good to see Mistral getting some lip service.