Pwr enhancer or straight from the wall?

I have heard that high current pwr amps sound better if they are pluged straight in from the wall. In fact when I had the Aragon 4004 this is what I did. Now going to tubes(Anthem amp1) I am wondering if going back to a pwr conditioner(lightspeed 3200) will keep the amp from doing all it can do. Do tube amps have the high current draw as solid state amps? Thanks in advance. (BTW I am currently using the amp in this mode and do not hear any ill effects.)
Often a power conditioner will limit dynamic range with amplifiers and the soundstage will become very two dimensional and lean. There is a used Tara AD/6C here, and this model does not limit dynamic range. If you are satisifed with the results, then continue to use Lightspeed. I am a firm adherent to having everything feed through a power filter. I would add up the power requirements of all components and verify the sum does not exceed the Lightspeed's capacity. Good listening.
Blueswan it sounds like the reversed has happened. The music sounds alot clearer,detailed,etc. I believe the cleaning up that the lightspeed is doing has given me the results I hear now. Stay tuned!