Audio Research...

in buying Audio Research, specifically a preamp, assuming I don't personally favour one over the other, is it better to get the silver faceplate or the black faceplate insofar as ease of resale if upgrading (or downgrading for that matter, perish the thought)? Is it worth bothering? Any thoughts.
It seems to me that the natural silver is more popular or more available. Just a hunch.
the silver looks tacky

the black fits in better in my opinion

the black seems more common, what I generally see in the stores

I have a black D200 and LS 2 MKII


I would go with the above response, which suggested to go with the one that makes you happy. I have three ARC units (all black) only because my entire system is black. I did buy an SP15 (2 piece unit preamp) that had silver faceplates and I paid to have the faceplates and knobs converted to black, not an inexpensive undertaking, so again just go with which ever you prefer, the sound quality is the same.

Thanks. On second thought, I prefer black. Hopefully, if the need arises down the road, someone else will too. Oh, the reason? Black almost disappears at the end of my listening room. I don't really like staring at the equipment that much as I listen. I normally turn the CD player's display off too. Come to think of it, seems more magical and less mechanical if the speakers and equipment are at the dark end of the room and do a disappearing act. Just a quirk, I guess. At any rate thanks for your opinions.