Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a question requesting help on my new office (all vinyl) system. After reading the responses, and doing a little research, I decided on purchasing the EAR 834P phono stage. It arrived yesterday. The rest of this system includes: Rega P9 TT; RB 900 arm; Clearaudio Aurum Beta cartridge; Bryston 2B SS amp; PSB 40 MK II speakers; Straigtwire Waveguide speaker cables; Straightwire Rhapsody II interconnects; and PS Audio Ultimate Outlet.

I hooked everything up (started at 1:00 am), and started spinning, but what came out of my speakers was a terrible sound. First, the word that comes to mind when describing the sound is "fuzzy" -- like listening to AM radio in your car, without an antenna. The LPs are clean (used VPI 16.5 machine). Second problem is the right channel is totally dominating the left.

Troubleshooting advice?
Thanks. I have the 834P w/ volume control (both MM & MC) running directly to the amp.
Well then check that you're on the MM position for both channels. If you still have a problem, reverse the L&R phono interconnects and see if the distortion changes channels. If it doesn't switch, its your amp. If it changes, I'd suspect the tubes in the 834P, but it could possibly be a bad phono cartridge too. If you reverse the channels at the phono cartridge and the distortion and low output reverse at the speakers, then you have a bad phono cartridge. Using this procedure you should at least be able to isolate the problem to the faulty component in the chain. Good luck!
Everyone has given you great ideas for troubleshooting. One other thought: If you mounted the cartridge yourself, as I did last January, and hear God-awful distortion as you describe, as I also did last January, and nothing is wrong w/your phono pre or settings, then you may have badly misaligned your cartridge--as I did last January. I thought I had done a good job, then I played a record and had to run to take the arm off the platter! Before I did, I saw that the bottom of the cartridge was actually touching, in fact dragging, along the surface of the LP. Needless to say, this sounded hideous and created unbelievable distortion amplified excruciatingly through the chain to the speakers.
Duh! I had to start over w/cartridge mounting 101.
First, I switched the phono interconnects (l/r) into the EAR... the right channel domination still existed. I switched them back, and then switched the input speaker cables (into the Bryston), and the one channel domination went from right channel to left. O.K., it's not the phono, and it's not the amp, so it must be the EAR. I opened up the EAR, and made sure the tubes were properly inserted. Same problem. Next step was to interchange the tubes... exchanging one tube to the other. Wouldn't you know it, the one channel domination was cured!!! That's the good news. The bad news is I'm still getting major league distortion (?) that sounds like fuzz. The more adjustment I make to the volume on the EAR, the "fuzz" seems to dissipate, but just a bit. This fuzz is particularly apparent in mid and upper range. Bass/low freq. sounds o.k.
For what its worth, some folks have suggested that I can't run the EAR directly into my amp. Not true (search the archives); this unit has volume control.

Anymore suggestions?
Anymore suggestions?
Wksesq, If the fuzz is in both channels and you have confirmed that you are indeed in the MM and not the MC mode, then there may be a problem with the EAR. I think what I'd do would be to try new tubes and if that doesn't work you might have to send the EAR in for service. Do you have another phono stage you can try in the system, just to be certain it's the EAR?