Difference between Forte 4 and 4A amp ?

Does any one out there know the difference between the Forte (Threshold) 4 and 4A amps ? Also, does the face plate displays the 4A model ? I just bought the Forte and the owner told me that it is a 4A model. However, the face plate and the back says it is a model 4. I am not sure what I got. Appreciate any help on this. Regards.
I have owned a forte 1a since 1991 and it sounds great for the money.. I would love to get a 100+ watt Threshold but wonder how much different or better it would sound for the thousands $ more.. I am not familier with the model 4 or 4a but would stay away from the 3. Only other amp I would consider for the price range is an Eagle.
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Xiekitchen, out of curiosity, what don't you like about the 3 or feel that it should be avoided ? You can lay it on the line with me... : )

As to Elizabeth's comments, all of the Forte' amps run hot and sound best after being left on all the time. I find this true of most amps that run Class A or rich Class A/B. You can't stuff these into enclosed racks since the heatsinks are on the sides and they do run so warm. Sean
All this glowing talk of the Forte amps leaves me a little perplexed as I purchased a Model 6 new in 11/91, replacing a Heath amp, and although it was better than the Heath, I struggled through the 90's with a system I didn't like. I was using a Forte Model 2 preamp and I used several different speakers trying to be pleased with my system (Mirage M3's, Linn Keildh's, Linn AV5140's). In 8/97 I replaced the Forte 6 with a Meridian 557 and found a huge improvement and was much happier with my system and felt I wasted a lot of years, and money, sticking with the Forte.
Brian :

I've had a couple of Forte 6's as well and can understand your experience. I found both of them pleasant but a bit bland and uninvolving compared to the 4. The 4 was considerably more open & punchy. They look identical except that the 4 ran MUCH warmer being more deeply class A biased. This correlates well my general experience of class A versus class A/B operated SS amps. Those deeply biased into class A just seem more involving and open, especially at lower listening levels.