SS amp and tube preamp combo for Martin Logan Sl-3

Can you guys/gals give me any suggestions on a SS amp and tube preamp for the M.L. SL-3's? I've been thinking of the Bryston 4bst and a Rogue 66. My musical tastes tend toward rock, jazz and some R&B. My current setup is a Parasound HCA-1500a with Audio Research LS-3 preamp. The sound I have gets a bit harsh sounding in the highs but I love the detail so I'm definately looking to tame the harshness while preserving as much detail and dynamics as possible. I would even consider a SS amp and SS preamp combo as well if it would get rid of the harshness. Thanks for the suggestions.
I would second Plato on the Innersound preamp, one of the few solid state preamps I could live with. And their amps are terrific for stats, even their competitors'.
I also would have to say the Innersound ESL amp. Best performance-per-dollar. Smooth, musical;, NEVER hard or harsh w/TONS of gain.
Its interesting that I came across this thread. I was having the exact same dilemma with my present solid state gear driving SL3"s. I just couldn't stand the harsh and brightness of the panels. A few weeks ago, I went to my local audio store (4 hour drive) and auditioned various equipment driving ML ESL's comparable with my SL3's. After listening to solid state, tube, and solid state/tube combinations, it was evident that a tube pre with a solid state amp was the best of both worlds. I ended up buying the BAT vk200 SS amp and a BAT vk30 tube pre.