McCormack RLD-1 vs Rogue Audio 66 vs TLC-1 deluxe

I'm looking to buy a preamp to go with my McCormack Amp. My budget is around $1500.
My first choice is RLD-1. Also considering Rogue Audio 66 and TLC-1 Deluxe Remote Control. Any suggestions?
I listen to a lot of classical music, some jazz and heavy rock.

My current setup:

McCormack DNA-125
Arcam CD-72
SCE Harmonic Recovery System
Joseph Audio RM-25si (WOW, probably the best speakers in $3000-$4000 range)
Cardas Quadlink 5C speaker and interconnect cables
Nakamichi DR-10 tape deck
Music Hall turntable

Thank you very much.
No brainer, the rogue, everyone needs some tubes in their life, especially if you crave the warmth and spatial properties of the classical music hall.
My other recommendation is to sell the Mccormack amp and go with the Rogue or Conrad Johnson or Audio Research integrateds. Then you'll be in sonic heaven, though heavy metal will not be best served. All the best,
Tacs advisement regarding selling the DNA125 / replace with a tube amp would indeed not seem to matchup with your taste for jazz & rock; many tubes just can't pump the bass power required for great slam & dynamics. I've heard the Joseph's with tube Cary SLM100's, which did sound nice but only until they just plain ran out of gas at higher volume level.

You do get internal phono with the Rogue, but no remote; same for the RLD, if optioned for phono. With the TLC you don't get internal phono but do get that passive transparency & remote control is available in some models.