As you have mentioned you read a ton and then just started buying the parts. I would love to hear what you found out?
Clearly you have valuable experience to share. Most of us may not ever hear CAST AG caps or whatever else you have found out. In your upgrade path clearly you must have been thrilled (or something kept you going) with what was happening or you would not have kept going to better/more expensive parts?
Like what was the most important upgrade and most cost effective. In your experience you must have that some parts were good some great and some good for the $ involved. I would imagine many would love to hear. It is no doubt part of your recommendation (and others) that I have tried North Creek.
Have you done coupling caps?
As you have mentioned you read a ton and then just started buying the parts. I would love to hear what you found out?
Clearly you have valuable experience to share. Most of us may not ever hear CAST AG caps or whatever else you have found out. In your upgrade path clearly you must have been thrilled (or something kept you going) with what was happening or you would not have kept going to better/more expensive parts?
Like what was the most important upgrade and most cost effective. In your experience you must have that some parts were good some great and some good for the $ involved. I would imagine many would love to hear. It is no doubt part of your recommendation (and others) that I have tried North Creek.
Have you done coupling caps?