What pre-amp would you choose

I am looking for some input for a new/used tube per-amp. I have the audio research vt 130 , Ah tjobe 4000 , magnepan 3.6R and transparent super cable. I am looking for the best tube pre-amp to match with my system. What would you choose?
The Sonic Frontiers Line 1 is a superb piece, and a steal for around 1200 used.
ARC LS-15 or ARC LS-2BR MkII. Both have remote, the MkII might be tough to find. These should list used for around $1400.
I would add to the Rogue and Sonic Frontiers suggestions the VTL 2.5. Livelier than ARC.
I had a cj Premier 14. It was outstanding. I don't know what current used retail is, but it couldn't be much over $2000, and I would expect it to be a less. It does have remote, and it uses what is, IMHO, the best type of output attenuation device. If you get one, buy replacement tubes from cj. Read the Stereophile review for a description of its sound. I don't agree with all in Stereophile, but I thought that particular review was "spot on."
The Placette Passive Linestage is a MUST audition. It's $1,400 from the factory with a 30-day review period, so you can return it if it doesn't suit you. However, returning it is highly unlikely if you have a very good source, very good speakers, and cables that don't get in the way. The Placette simply let's you hear your system without coloration and roll-off. Try it, you won't be sorry. (It's got a remote, to boot.)