A reasonable integrated w/ remote - possibly tube?

I've done extensive searching in the archives, but would love some "fresh" answers. I'm looking for a quality integrated with remote in the sub $2k range, preferrably around $1500. I'm thinking about my first foray into tubes, but since my listening tastes run from Oakenfold/Underworld/Techno to Brahms and classical, I'm a little leery about some of the traditional drawbacks of tubes, namely bass impact. Currently my system is a Naim 92R, 90/3, Flatcap, Planet 2000, and Mission 774s. It's nowhere near the best in soundstaging, but I love the rhythmic drive and pace provided by the Naim gear.

Plinius? Rogue Audio? Jolida? I would be very interested in any suggestions, hints, warnings, caveats, etc. A remote is strongly desired, but not absolutely necessary I suppose. Thanks for your time!
I would also suggest you check out the Rogue Tempest Integrated. Great unit. There are some for sale on this site, including mine!
My first choice would be VTL IT-85.
Then if there is not enough power I would go for Rogue Tempest.
You can try hybrid Pathos(has MOSFETs in the output stage)
Check out the Pathos, Classic One. An incredibly good looking int. amp, may not be what you are looking for, but many people say an awful lot good about them rated at 50x2, tube and great build quality. Enjoy the hunt-Tim
Audio Refinement Complete (a baby YBA Integre). With remote brand new only $1100 MSRP. Comes close to tube sound with solid state. There are lots of reviews on this baby.