Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?

With the exception of some of there tube gear, not many really use this stuff(or admit to it anyway), I am mainly referring to there amps. They look pleasant, they look good on paper and have the price of high end gear, but I seldom hear anyone claiming to like or one day dreaming of owning McIntosh. I have never really listened to there stuff, no good word of mouth sort of scares me away from it, the only people who like it are those who sell it, an uncanny coincidence? I don’t know. Sorry it this has been covered many times in the past, I ran a search and could not find anything.
Well, most people on this site do, in fact, listen to music for extended periods. As for your coincidence, it is not. Third, you should not compare old mac to new, for numerous reasons, mostly having to do with musicality relative to the competion at their respective times. If you want to buy a SS amp with drive, with very good workmanship (read: craftmanship), want very decent reliability and resale, then, please, oh please, look at Pass XL series or the Lamm 1.1 hybrids.
Actually, we have been quite impressed with the latest generation of Mac amps. For the most part, they are extremely good and as for reliability, they are still better than many of the other high end units out there. Having had tons and tons of amps come thru over the past many years, the Mac amps have always struck me as extremely musical and involving. Maybe not the most accurate, but very very enjoyable. Also, I find Mac owners are amongs the very rare breed in audio...happy!

The Sound Broker
We went to the McIntosh demos at the T.H.E. Show in Vegas (CES).

We where not impressed. They had some 6000+ watt stereo system that was like >$200k. They talked specs for 40 minutes and played the system for 30 seconds. Seriously! We also went to the HT demo. Same story. Specs, specs, specs. They played the movie for 1 minute. Both systems sounded like something I wouldn't pay money for. I had always thought Mc was the Creme de LaCreme, I now think differently. I'm glad they came to T.H.E. Show so I will never waste my money on their "specs."

Paradigm was the exact opposite. They make you listen, not bore you with stupid numbers.
I sure would like to know how Mac got this "Creme de LaCreme" reputation, at least to many. Through the years I have read numerous comments from people that had a life long desire to own Mac gear as they held it in the highest esteem; I sometimes wonder if Mac never changing the essential look of their gear set them apart in some way in the eyes of some.

From my view, no facts here, just opinion, in the early / mid 1970's Mac did make gear that may be considered the "Cream", but certainly through the 1980's and early 1990's I don't see this as the case and far from it. That said, since the late 1990's it seems Mac is building gear that is once again exceptional.

I speculate some of these people heard a system in the 1970's with Mac gear that made a huge impression on them and through the years Mac gear has always stood out to them, as its looks haven't changed much.

To the previous post, sorry to hear the Mac presentation turned you off so bad, but before you abandon them, I recommend you get another (proper) demonstration, it seems to me, as I stated above, Mac is making some very nice gear these days.
Although some audiophiles can't understand it, "Look and Feel" of the equipment is important, and MacIntosh has always been the best. And some of the sonics are very good, if not the absolute best. Cost is relatively high, but for some people this is a non-issue.