Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?

With the exception of some of there tube gear, not many really use this stuff(or admit to it anyway), I am mainly referring to there amps. They look pleasant, they look good on paper and have the price of high end gear, but I seldom hear anyone claiming to like or one day dreaming of owning McIntosh. I have never really listened to there stuff, no good word of mouth sort of scares me away from it, the only people who like it are those who sell it, an uncanny coincidence? I don’t know. Sorry it this has been covered many times in the past, I ran a search and could not find anything.
I heard that most new Mc equipment is bought by dentists...that tells you something.
Oh no...not the "Mac is for doctors, lawyers, and trust fund/Wall St. executives" thread again.

My personal experience has been consistent with some of the other posters - Mac gear sounds pretty good but seems a bit slow, bloated and not very resolving.

Two of my friends have solid state Mac gear. One with more recent Mac pre/power amps with B&W Nautilus speakers, and the other with Mac pre/power amps with JBL studio speakers from some years back. Over the past few years, I've listened to their systems and was never really that impressed. They have also come to listen to my system at various times - my system has changed over the years but the preamp was either a Sonic Frontiers or Jeff Rowland, while the power amp was either a Threshold SA's or Pass Labs Aleph's with B&W Matrix speakers.

What was interesting is that they consistently notice the imaging, detail, and spaciousness of the sound with the SF/Jeff Rowland and Threshold/Pass Labs. Granted the speakers, room, and setup play a major part in this, but it is interesting that they identify this sonic difference in character. And I certainly agreed with their assessment.

Not saying which sound is better or worse but to each his/her own - whether Mac or not.