I think many people like to crap on Mcintosh because it is a larger company owned by a conglomerate not necessarily because they have ever heard the equipment setup correctly. Mcintosh has a history and heritage and is a business adn to some that defies the idea it could be a real high end company.
MC is also still standout expensive in an industry of generally expensive products. I currently own Mcintosh equipment as well as stuff from CJ, SAE, ATI,Portage, Harman Kardon, YS Audio, Creek, Cambridge Audio, and others. I just bought some "new" vintage MC equipment I am having refurbished by Terry DeWick. I like the MC sound but prefer the older SS or tubes to todays stuff....maybe because I can afford more of it. I do, however, see where it is different depending on the music I listen to, the source I use, the speakers its played thru etc. Generally I feel MC is a little less detailed on the highe end but makes the mid-range just right, real, warm and like music. I started with MC 35+ years ago and have left and come back more than once. I found over time that most others SS sounded etched on the high end even though it was seen as "detailed". I found I could not listen as long or as intently as ot the MC. AND, I have never even owned MC tubes and dont consider myself an audiophile but rather just a music lover who occasionally has extra money to try to make his experience better! I have it in mind next that tubes will be something I have to get deep into as I heard a wonderful MC tube amp setup and system at Overture Audio 2 years ago that bests all the rest of my audio "memories". I think it might be my "last system". To each his own I think is the real answer....if you like it buy it. You should at least listen with open, objective ears.
MC is also still standout expensive in an industry of generally expensive products. I currently own Mcintosh equipment as well as stuff from CJ, SAE, ATI,Portage, Harman Kardon, YS Audio, Creek, Cambridge Audio, and others. I just bought some "new" vintage MC equipment I am having refurbished by Terry DeWick. I like the MC sound but prefer the older SS or tubes to todays stuff....maybe because I can afford more of it. I do, however, see where it is different depending on the music I listen to, the source I use, the speakers its played thru etc. Generally I feel MC is a little less detailed on the highe end but makes the mid-range just right, real, warm and like music. I started with MC 35+ years ago and have left and come back more than once. I found over time that most others SS sounded etched on the high end even though it was seen as "detailed". I found I could not listen as long or as intently as ot the MC. AND, I have never even owned MC tubes and dont consider myself an audiophile but rather just a music lover who occasionally has extra money to try to make his experience better! I have it in mind next that tubes will be something I have to get deep into as I heard a wonderful MC tube amp setup and system at Overture Audio 2 years ago that bests all the rest of my audio "memories". I think it might be my "last system". To each his own I think is the real answer....if you like it buy it. You should at least listen with open, objective ears.