Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?

With the exception of some of there tube gear, not many really use this stuff(or admit to it anyway), I am mainly referring to there amps. They look pleasant, they look good on paper and have the price of high end gear, but I seldom hear anyone claiming to like or one day dreaming of owning McIntosh. I have never really listened to there stuff, no good word of mouth sort of scares me away from it, the only people who like it are those who sell it, an uncanny coincidence? I don’t know. Sorry it this has been covered many times in the past, I ran a search and could not find anything.
Talk2me - My only piece of Mc gear is the MCD500, which I have found to be musically quite impressive at its price point. Since you no longer have your MCD500, did you replace it with another CDP? If so, may I ask what replaced your MCD500 and what you prefer about it over the MCD500?
Well, I think that Audio Enthusiasts do indeed use McIntosh. McIntosh has it's unique sound just like (not that same as) Audio Research and others. Many really like the Mac sound. I have heard some wonderful sounding McIntosh equipment. As always, equipment interaction and speakers make a big difference. I have heard great McIntosh equipment through exceptionally bright speakers and it drove me out of the room. However, it wasn't the McIntosh electronics that was the problem. But, to elaborate, I have heard top of the line Krell equipment that was wayyyy too bright for me. Swapped the equipment with some other high end equipment through the same speakers and wow! great sound. So, in my experience, Krell is still too bright for my taste, but for some other people, they love the Krell sound. To each their own. McIntosh makes some really good/great equipment. But, as with any other manufactures, it has it's own "sound".

If you can get past the big vu meters, build quality thats over the top, a company that has making gear forever, and represents a status symbol that you have finally arrived, you could actually settle on something else less attractive. However as good as it is there could be something better depending on your personal tastes and what your trying to match it with.
I heard various Hanson speakers powered by the latest McIntosh gear about a year ago or so. The systems sounded horrible. I attributed it to the Hansons since I had never heard the speakers. Someone else who heard the same demo and heard the speakers elsewhere agreed that the electronics were to blame for the poor sound. I was shocked, as I thought would be a great combo.