Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?

With the exception of some of there tube gear, not many really use this stuff(or admit to it anyway), I am mainly referring to there amps. They look pleasant, they look good on paper and have the price of high end gear, but I seldom hear anyone claiming to like or one day dreaming of owning McIntosh. I have never really listened to there stuff, no good word of mouth sort of scares me away from it, the only people who like it are those who sell it, an uncanny coincidence? I don’t know. Sorry it this has been covered many times in the past, I ran a search and could not find anything.
I heard various Hanson speakers powered by the latest McIntosh gear about a year ago or so. The systems sounded horrible. I attributed it to the Hansons since I had never heard the speakers. Someone else who heard the same demo and heard the speakers elsewhere agreed that the electronics were to blame for the poor sound. I was shocked, as I thought would be a great combo.
To be upfront, I am a Mac enthusiast. I have been for a long time now. Currently, I am using a 2102 tube power amp with a 2200 tube preamp. These two pieces give me liquid sound with plenty of base. I also get wide sound staging great image focus. But what really gets me going is the sound this equipment produces is just what I want. Over the past 40 years I have had other brands of equipment, but I always seem to come back to Mac.

I am a frequent visitor to Audiogon and have been on site enough to have heard all the cleches and worn out stereotype phrases made by Audiogon patrons about Mac gear. Frankly, I think that most of the naysayers don't know what they are talking about. Everyone has an opinion about audio gear, but I haven't heard any of the anti-Mac people use reasons others than the same old, same old. Makes you wonder. I too, have noticed that Mac gear rarely shows up here for sale. I read about the trade-up program in a previous response and would agree (although I have never heard of it) that maybe that has some effect on the scarcity of used equipment on Audiogon. But, I don't think that is the only reason. It could just be that Mac equipment is well built and doesn't wear out (My 2102 is almost 10 years old. Never needed anything but tubes. I have a MC150 solid state amp that is 15 years old and hasn't needed anything but light bulbs). It could also mean that Mac customers are totally in love with their equipment and don't want to change. I also noticed that when Mac equipment comes available on Audiogon, it doesn't stay available for long. That in itself says a lot about Mac gear.

Like I said above, everyone has an opinion about audio gear. It just amazes how many sheep out there spout the same stuff over and over again. Where are the original free thinkers?
Frepec - I agree with you. There are some people who like to stir up controversy just to see the response. I have owned some gear by varios manufacturers through the years including McIntosh, Audio Research, Conrad-Johnson, Bryston, Cary, Manley, McCormack, etc. Having rotated through various gear, I would take the Mac equipment back any day. It is warm sounding, extremely reliable, pleasant to look at, and holds its value. As you said, there are alot of sheep out there just following the rest of flock, too clueless to form their own opinions.
Since my last post on this thread (many moons ago) I added to my McIntosh experience by replacing my MBL 6010D preamp with the CT 1000. I thought that was a "ballsy" move on my part as the MBL continues to gain acceptance as a world class preamp - and rightly so. This is not about a comparison between the two but, after repalcing the stock tubes with Gold Lions the McIntosh clearly qualifies as world class that can hold its own with anything out there.

Now to the "house sound". As I listen to my amps there is no reason to support the notion that Mac gear is "warm" or "fuzzy" or lacking in detail. As a long time audiophile always looking for "the next best thing" Mac gear delivers consistency, product support, great sound and reliability. What is not to like? Oh, BTW it reminds me of a similar thread to this on this forum regarding Musical Fidelity gear. I have that stuff, have had it for over 20 years and the same applies .....

Having a reliable company around supplying world class gear to support our hobby should not be sneezed at. If it doesn't float your boat sound wise, that is fine, but let's support the venerable manufacturers such as Mac, such as ARC, such as MF, and so on that provide quality products, well branded, well supported and even if they segment their customer base to include main street consumers we should applaud their resilience to survive and prosper.
Many do and most are probably content and have no desire to explore other horizons.