You can NOT really do a full film poly Solen power supply.. Basically due to most electrolytic caps are 100 uF up to 100,000 uF depending on what your doing
As well as voltage issues. Only thing you can do is take a good rated Electro cap like your ASC or whatever and lets say its 4000 uF mounted, its 630 volts AC rated or whatever, and take a Solen cap simply soldered parallel (bridged across) the 2 pins on your Electro cap
This is a bypass, same as a Crossover bypass taking a 10 uF cheap cap and using a .01 Duelund or something of Higher grade in parallel not really changing the value of the crossover point but simply putting a smaller better faster cap to enhance the results.
Bottom line is Electrolytics are typically cheaper, smaller, and HUGE value capacitors, you could never fit or use a Film cap of these sizes in those locations or applications. So thats why we are talking about taking a small Film cap which even a cheap solen is higher grade than the best Black GAte electro caps and basically bridging it across AS the big value electrolytics are so big normally even 50 uF or 40 uf, in order to be effective from my experience and from others on the subject, use at least a 1 uF film cap to do the bypass Be careful however these Film caps are only rated in VDC, so DC voltage, not AC The caps cannot take nearly as much AC power as they can DC power due to the Plates have to take on the ALternating back and forth energy causing them to vibrate and shift much more than a DC application from my understanding.
Beyond that yes I have actually modded an entire power supply in a phono amp which is very critical for noise and overall quality to use the original big 1000 uF electrolytic caps, and bypassed them each with a Solen 400 volt DC rated fast cap 1 uF each. There was about 5 or 6 electros in this circuit if I remember correctly..
That being said your applications will vary, and I cannot recommend specifically using DC rated caps like this in all applications due to I have no idea how high of voltage you will actually see at these points But I can say this, typically people building their own Differential Filters for AC power incoming to their system can and do use 600 volt DC rated, 800 volt DC rated, and 1200 volt Dc rated caps, that means they hook them directly inside their power outlets feeding their system. And they never have an issue as that is 120 volt plus coming staight from your outlet with 15 to 20 amps of current!
I believe that a DC 600 volt rated cap will at least take on 200 to 220 volts AC, and a 400 volt cap maybe a little less or more Depending, But I am not an engineer and will not say that a cap would not Swell or explode under this! Mainly make sure its a GOOD film cap, and the dielectrics and sidewalls can take the heat. I mean from what I was told by a VERY high up the food chain in audio engineer that in fact I used some 800 volt dc and 1200 volt DC rated film caps for these applications and he was far beyond confident that even 50 years from now with fatigue these caps would never fail.
Again Hi end audio has no limits. There is no good standards, many things are WAY overbuilt for the task. Proceed with caution.
As for the results, well I can say this in my trials Always fairly positive, Very quiet incoming AC power, very good frequency response, Lower distortion, better overall smooth sound without the edge or glare sometimes apparent with many cheaper electrolytic caps..
Good luck
Bottom line is Electrolytics are typically cheaper, smaller, and HUGE value capacitors, you could never fit or use a Film cap of these sizes in those locations or applications. So thats why we are talking about taking a small Film cap which even a cheap solen is higher grade than the best Black GAte electro caps and basically bridging it across AS the big value electrolytics are so big normally even 50 uF or 40 uf, in order to be effective from my experience and from others on the subject, use at least a 1 uF film cap to do the bypass Be careful however these Film caps are only rated in VDC, so DC voltage, not AC The caps cannot take nearly as much AC power as they can DC power due to the Plates have to take on the ALternating back and forth energy causing them to vibrate and shift much more than a DC application from my understanding.
Beyond that yes I have actually modded an entire power supply in a phono amp which is very critical for noise and overall quality to use the original big 1000 uF electrolytic caps, and bypassed them each with a Solen 400 volt DC rated fast cap 1 uF each. There was about 5 or 6 electros in this circuit if I remember correctly..
That being said your applications will vary, and I cannot recommend specifically using DC rated caps like this in all applications due to I have no idea how high of voltage you will actually see at these points But I can say this, typically people building their own Differential Filters for AC power incoming to their system can and do use 600 volt DC rated, 800 volt DC rated, and 1200 volt Dc rated caps, that means they hook them directly inside their power outlets feeding their system. And they never have an issue as that is 120 volt plus coming staight from your outlet with 15 to 20 amps of current!
I believe that a DC 600 volt rated cap will at least take on 200 to 220 volts AC, and a 400 volt cap maybe a little less or more Depending, But I am not an engineer and will not say that a cap would not Swell or explode under this! Mainly make sure its a GOOD film cap, and the dielectrics and sidewalls can take the heat. I mean from what I was told by a VERY high up the food chain in audio engineer that in fact I used some 800 volt dc and 1200 volt DC rated film caps for these applications and he was far beyond confident that even 50 years from now with fatigue these caps would never fail.
Again Hi end audio has no limits. There is no good standards, many things are WAY overbuilt for the task. Proceed with caution.
As for the results, well I can say this in my trials Always fairly positive, Very quiet incoming AC power, very good frequency response, Lower distortion, better overall smooth sound without the edge or glare sometimes apparent with many cheaper electrolytic caps..
Good luck