need amp advice

I currently have a Yamaha RXV-995 (100 x 5) that I could use as a pre-amp. I'm buying a Cambridge Audio D500SE CD player and Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. I need an amp that would be a good match for the Yamaha, Cambridge, and the Soliloquy speakers. I would also like it to maybe have a little overkill so that I don't need to upgrade it next.

I would like to use it for home theater but music is where I'm most concerned with it's performance. I'm prepared to spend $1000-$1500 and don't mind buying used if it's in new condition.

Any recommendations?
I don't know if you've purchased the Soliloquy 5.3's yet, but you may want to think really hard about them based on what you've said about frequent moving and the fiance' not being very understanding of having loudspeakers 4' out in her living room.

The 5.3's are rear-ported which is one of the primary reasons for their need to be placed away from the rear wall. Soix is dead-on when he says that speaker placement and room interaction are equally important (if not more so) as the components they're driven by.

I had a pair of Platinum Audio Solo's which I LOVED. Unfortunately, I moved to a new home where my listening room is about half the size of the old house and the Platinums are rear-ported. I tried for several months experimenting with placement, but could not tame the bass coming from the REAR ports. Interesting note...Platinums are mini monitors with TREMENDOUS bass output (32hz). Earlier you said that you're not fond of stand-mounted speakers because of the lack of bass. Not necessarily true. Also not true is the assumption that monitors are less critical with room placement.

You might want to look for speakers which are sealed rather than ported (or at least with a port on the front) and which seem less finicky about placement. I know you've got your heart set on the Soliloquys, but you'll probably be very disappointed and frustrated when you fire up your system knowing that your speakers are not performing optimally because they're sitting 1' from the wall where they "look" the best. Trust me, I've been there. It's all about tradeoffs. If you can't place them where they NEED to be and still keep the peace, then you're probably better off with something that "SOUNDS" better where they "LOOK" better, if you know what I mean. All the more reason for an in-home evaluation - Especially with speakers!!!

Maybe some of the other contributors can recommend speakers that are more forgiving of room placement so that you can compile a new audition list??
Hi Gunbunny, since you mention monitors on stands ... that would work very well if supplemented by a sub. For example a pair of LS3/5 on stands, plus a REL sub ... not much different in price to the Soliloquy I think and much higher WAF. I have Spica Angelus, so I know all about WAF !
Forget the amp...go with a good integrated. I would definitely look hard at the used market, you might even be able to pick up a good classic the adcom 565 or 555, and then spend the rest on a used ROtel amp ( the best budget amps in my opinion). Forget going all the way to a dual music/theater get music out of one is tough at any price...much less on a budget. You also should look hard at getting good cables...the right speaker wire can really up your bass output...apature makes a accu-flow wire that's cheap and has amazing bass...better than almost anything at any price. Good Luck.