Drjjpdc, I like Jena would recomend the Music Reference RM9 as a very user friendly, musical, and indestructible power amp. This amp can use (8) EL34's (very inexpensive) which are very musical, or 6550c's (a little more expensive not necassarily better) with a little more authority or KT88's (much more expensive than the EL34's) that some people love. It is rated at 100 watts per channel with the EL34's and probably more with either the 6550 or KT88 tubes. Is very easy on tubes, probably well over the 2000 hours that seems to be the norm. Very easy to bias (won't need any meters, uses LED's), right from the top of the amp, and is a very pretty amp INHO. Usually you can find these amps for around $1200.00, they came in two versions RM9 and RM9 MKII. I personally favored the origianal. I have owned 2 and will surly own one again. Good luck with you search.....Bob