Best Amp for Eidolon

I purchased Avalon Eidolon speakers this summer and am getting ready to upgrade my amp. I currently have a Krell KSA 200s with a BAT VK5SE preamp. I am considering the BAT VK-150SE, Rowland Model 12, Accuphase A-50V, Krell 350mc, and the Boulder 1060. Any thoughts? I am especially interested in hearing what other Eidolon owners are using. Mike
linkster is dead on. the accuphase a-50v, singly or in pairs, is superb with eidolons. the only other amps i'd consider are the jrdg 8ti (which i use-for now) or the boulder 1060 (assuming the 2060 is out of the question). both the the accuphase and jrdg sound on the slightly "warmer" side, while the boulder will satisfy those who prefer a highly detailed and "neutral" presentation. FWIW, i own eidolons and have heard them driven by at least a dozen varieties of amps. -cfb
I am a Spectral fan and greatly enjoy the combination of Spectral 360 monoblocks with my Eidolons. Regarding the negative comments of some of the A'goners about Spectral/Avalon, I have yet to hear this combination sound its best in a dealer showroom. At home, there is much that can be done with cable and A/C current handling that can optimize the system sound. Spectral has a clean, neutral, fast character which works well with Eidolons and produces excellent PRaT when everything is tuned.
I am using a pair of Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk2.2 amplifiers with my Eidolons and the combination is superb. The Eidolons' quickness, detail, harmonic integrity and ability to throw a beautiful soundstage is perfectly matched by the Atma-Sphere MA-2s. The strengths of the Atma-Sphere amplifiers complement beautifully the strenghts of the Eidolons.
Currently, I'm using both Rowalnd 8Ti with battery, n the CAT JL1. to drive my Eidolon. I found the both of them are superd for the SPK. Both most important thing is what kind of sounds you r interested. For the vocal, I think the CAt is much better than Rowland, but for the bass of cos the transisotr amp r better than the tube amp. Afterall, it is better to ve 2 kind of sys u want. There is no perfect 1 in this world, choice what u r prefer the most. Good Luck n Happy listening.
The Bat 50SE preamp with bat 150SE amps is one of the best combinations i've ever heard. The Atma-Sphere's are quite nice too with the 50SE preamp (I'll assume it is pretty close sonically to your upgraded 5i). I'd buy the bat's if it were my choice. I find that having tube pre and power really brings on the 'tube magic'.

For my tube based system I use vk-5i (w/nos tubes) and a vt100m2 with kt88's. It's a wonderful combination. Not as transparent or dimensional as a bat se combo, but warmer and more full bodied. You might try a vt100m2 or m3 as an additional alternative.