Best Used Integated 1400 for B&W CDM1NT's

I would like to gradually start building my system. Currently I am using a NAD 7225 (@1988) and although the speakers recommend 50-120 wpc, I have been quite happy with the 20wpc with the 60+wpc "power envelope" although I know it can get much better (I am using a Velodyne CT-100 sub running from the NAD's pre out). I have beat all the high end audio web sites to death and have been considering a handful of integrateds.
I have a wide variety of musical preferences ranging from pink floyd & grateful dead to beastie boys and even reggae,jazz, windham hill, and classical. When I read the reviews for many integrateds, I hear considerable amounts of praise for various amps, but then again, I have no idea what these people are listening to. I also do alot of 2 channel HT viewing and would ultimately like to incorporate this amp into a 5 or 7 channel setup (this will take a long time so I need an amp that will last) I will move my CDM 1NT's to the rear & probably look into 7's or 9's & maybe even Nautilus 804's for the front, so I want to make sure I have enough power and an amp worthy of running the mains if I upgrade to the Nautilus series.
My budget is $1400. I know that I can get some good amps in the 6-800 range

Anyhow, these are the contenders:

Bryston B-60

@$8-900...great 20yr warranty, good resale, but will it be enough for the fronts in the future?

Simaudio Moon I5 @$1400 is it $500 better than the Bryston? How much "higher end" is it? Will I be happy with it longer? Love the looks, like the 10 yr warranty (shouldnt it still last longer though?)

Sim audio I5080 @$800. Will I be wishing I had gotten the I5, only to have to sell this?

Krell KAV300i @$1200. Dont even know what to say about this, this may be a love/hate relationship that I dont even want to get into...besides, every time somebody asks about this amp, everybody has an alternate suggestion.

Plinius 8100/8150/8200 @$1400...People say good things about these & also comment about how one of these is so much better than the doesnt matter which one to me since any i'm sure will be quite an upgrade.

Sorry about rambling on, & if anybody has one of these for sale now, for the right price I'm all ears!


Look into the Classe CAP-150. Theatre integration is a snap and you will get the same power as the Krell with a much smoother sound. Used prices are around a grand, leaving room for some Kimber wires (wonderful match for your speakers). I just sold off my CDM1-SEs and can say that there will be some very good synergy between the CAP and the B&Ws. If budget becomes a problem, the CAP-100 is identical save the power supply (hence the 100W rating).
Agree with 3728. The CAP-150 would be a great choice. In the future, as you continue to upgrade your system, the amp and preamp can be separated with the touch of a button meaning that you can either use it as a stand alone amp or preamp.

Good Luck,Dave
Heard Plinius extensively with B&W speakers, and it is the best sounding (to my ears) of all the aforementioned amps (except perhaps, for the Electrocompanient). Very warm, almost tubelike sound, SS grip, no fatigue. Try to get the dad ended up buying one. Auditioned Krell and others. Krell was FAR to bright, IMHO. YMMV. Cheers!

Ellery, I also enjoy a wide range of music. I have CDM1NT's with a Musical Fidelity A300 Int. Amp. for power, and the M/f A3CD on the front end. I am not using a sub at the moment as I live in a meduim size town home. Other then missing a few octaves of bass in the low end this IMHO is a great combination! The A300 has enough power to make the CDM1's sing. I get a nice big soundstage, with lots of detail and "air". You can pickup a New A300 for $1495.00 plus shipping!.. Good luck, Frank
I owned a pair of CDM1s when they first came out. Instead of telling you what to do, I will tell you what not to do.

I auditioned these speakers at a store that used Harman Kardon electronics. To me, they sounded more natural and musically truthful than the Matrix 805s, so I bought a pair of the CDM1 home.

At the time, I was using Nakamichi separates and an NAD 502 cd player. The CDM sounded dry and lifeless with this set up. I thought my amp is too dry to match with the CDMs, so I borrowed a Denon 8200 which is known for their liquidy smooth sonic characteristics eventho its sound is mid-fi, yet the CDMs still didn't come to life. Then I thought my preamp might be too dry, so I borrowed a Klyne preamp, and the sound is still dry as crackers. I returned the CDMs.

The reviews on Stereophile says you have to feed the CDM lots of high quality wattage, well, the Harmon Kardon receivers matched these speakers just fine. My
conclusion? These are great speakers, but they hate me.