You may need more power than the Bryston can muster. It is a fine sounding integrated (I previously owned one), but, I fear it won't do so well with the usually power hungry B&W's.
I now have the Plinius 8200 and it is really nice. It has plenty of power and is very refined. It has an HT bypass loop too, although the switch is on the back. BTW, I've heard (but can't confirm) that there is little sonic difference between the Plinius 8100, 8150 and 8200. Just a bit more power for each, and the 8150 and 8200 have the HT bypass. Of couse, if the price is close, go for the added power!
I now have the Plinius 8200 and it is really nice. It has plenty of power and is very refined. It has an HT bypass loop too, although the switch is on the back. BTW, I've heard (but can't confirm) that there is little sonic difference between the Plinius 8100, 8150 and 8200. Just a bit more power for each, and the 8150 and 8200 have the HT bypass. Of couse, if the price is close, go for the added power!