Advise on used 1k to 1.5k pre-amp

I'm upgrading my system for better 2 channel performance and am looking for a pre-amp to go with Citation 7.1 amps. I'd like to get a quality transparent sounding pre-amp which will not be the limiting factor in my system. I'll be upgrading my cdp (Cambrige D500-SE) to something used also in the $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 range. Speakers will be my last upgrade and I'm looking along the lines of
B&W N804
B&W 802 Matrix S-III
Von Schweikert VR4-GenII
Vandersteen 3A-sig
Silverline Sonata
Meadowlark Heron
I'd like to get a pre-amp which will allow me to get close to the best of speakers such as these.(when combined with an equally good cdp)
Any thoughts,comparisons or recommendations regarding;
Mark Levinson 38
Conrad Johson PFR
Krell KRC-3

I'm considering these 3 used units as well as a new Adcom GFP-750.(is this like throughing in a Chevy against a bunch of Mercedes or is the Adcom a worthy opponent to these?) All I really care about is sound quality and reliability. Aesthetics and name brand recognition are totally secondary.


Please try a pass labs x-2. by far the best pre-amp under 2.5k retail. certainly you can get one for under 1.5k.

They are a great balance with my Thiel 2.3's

Goto their website.
I would go with the Mark Lev 38! The sound is very good and
in time if your budget allows, you can upgrade it to the
awsome 380S.
Good Luck............Vader
I have been considering the Adcom GFP-750 due to it's high praises, low cost and Stereophile "Class A" rating. I do however have some concerns.

1) Is this unit really as good as some make it out to be...The reviewer at Stereophile said he couldn't hear much difference between the 750 and a $6,000.00 Mark Levinson. Is this just concern about generating advertisment revenue or are Stereophile's opinions to be taken seriously? How much weight should be given to Stereophiles "Class A" rating?

2) Would the Adcom be a good match for one of my leading speaker candidates; Thiel 3.6 ?

I'd really like to get a pre-amp that I'm not going to be itching to upgrade in a few months or a year. My main concerns in searching for a pre (other than sound) are;
1)solid state
3)Home theater integration(pass through desireable)