Melos Audio MAT 1000 or Audio Research VT 200?

Can't find any thread discussions on the Melos MAT 1000. Here's hoping someone owns or has owned them and can tell their opinion. The prices are the same for either amp, $3500 used.
Starting the tube thing. Want to start with something that won't make me want to trade it in anytime soon. Need to biamp, thinking about tubes for high end, solid state on low end. Picked up a set of Infinity Rs1's on ebay.
No preamp yet. Have heard nice things about Audible Illusions Modulus 3A (No Remote). Getting lazier and want something with a remote. (Now using 2 Marantz 2500's, preamp out, one amp top, one amp bottom.)
Recommendations or warnings?
Thanks for your time!
There were many versions of the Melos 400 watt monoblocks, the MAT1000 was towards the end but not the very last one.
I have the last production model (probably the last unit)before the final bankruptcy. The MAT 1000 is an earlir version with a smaller capacity power supply. I love mine and directly compared them to the VT-200. BIG WARNING the company is no more, they had recurring quality problems and reliability problems, there is no way to tell what exact configuration or condition the amp is in. Melos Restorations is a group of ex Melos folks who do repairs and upgrades. You should call Melos Melos Restoration in Vegas for upgrade info. Again I love mine.
Sorry if I am screwing up someone who is unloading the Melos amps but after watching what a friend of mine went through with his I would warn strongly against anyhting that this company manufactured. I am happy there are some out there who are satisfyed with units that they already own, as this has nothing to do with the sound of the amps when they are working. It's just that my friends rarley did(I know of at least three occasions that they went down and one where he got them back after a $500+ repair charge that they still did not function) and he got hammered by the changing hands of the company. I don't know if it is the same folks in Las Vegas or not but he had to go thru hell to even get his Amps back from them after they were sent in for service. If you get these amps you are on thin ice! The amps could get hot and melt that ice and your experience could be very chilly!
Melos had a history with quality and reliability problems just like Pls1 had indicated. However, when they work properly they sound very very good to my ears. I actually prefer their sound over Audio Research VT100mk2 which I used to own. Be very careful when buying Melos used. I like mine (402 Gold monoblocks) very much but everytime I turn them on, I always have this feeling that something is about to blow up. If you like tube sound and do not want to mess around with them, buy Audio Research. Audio Research makes very good and reliable equipment.