what is the best sub amp.

i have used a krell kst 100 strapped mono for years running a jbl pro 4719 sub with two 18s in it. i have been very happy with this amp until i watched pearl harbor. the kst started to loose it's control over the sub. i found a crown macro reference and put it on the sub. the crown killed the little krell, and never lost control at all. my main question is would i be better of with this crown or getting a larger krell? thanks alot for everyones thoughts.
The QSC series of PowerLight amps are incredible power amps for subs. I use a bridged unit on each of my 2 EV MTL-4's (4-18" woofers per cabinet) in my personal mobile system to do parties, conventions, video shows, etc...... I guarentee that these subs are much more demanding that ANY home sub and the QSC amps never wimp out.
Gekko, you're assuming just a bit too much. There are guys with sub systems that make your four 18's per side look feeble. That is not to say that eight 18's is anything to laugh at : ) Sean
last time i checked the 4719 was pro, not home audio. the qsc is a great choice i agree. i do not think it will beat the crown though. i was hopeing to pick up a krell 250 , or 200s or 300s, maybe but it looks like my crown on auction is not moving much, so i will probaly stick with it.it drives them like no tomorrow anyway.
kirk, many folks use that crown in home systems. i think you would have to spend an awful lot of money on a krell to get the same performance as the crown macro-reference, for the use you're proposing...

doug s.

kirk930: if you actually got thru the entire dvd of "3000 miles from graceland," you might as well try a few 3 watt set's with your subs. what a god-awful movie! -cfb