Help with an Amp in the 1500 ballpark used

Here are the contestants: Classe CA201, Bryston 4BST, Aragon 8008BB-(New Version to come out 2002), Blue Circle BC22, McCormack DNA-225, Musical Fidelity A3CR. Any other suggestion?

I need a strong amp to run Platinum Solos!

To be honest, I like the Levinson 331 sound best but do not want to spend that much, even used! Any help directing me to an amp that would be the closest to the levinson's transparency, tight bass, and superb imaging is appreciated. Thanks! (Oh yeah, I plan on running a tube preamp to soften up the mids while maintaining the other virtues so a dry amp is doable)
I don't know about BC 22 and DNA-225, but I do know quite well the rest of them. Hard to decide between 4BST and A3CR.
Sim Audio may be a decent compromise...
I picked up a Polyfusion Audio 960 amp used for $1500. This is a current production amp that goes for $5000. Check out the web site with the above name .com. I am upgrading my preamp and the unit should be coming tomorrow. I bought an ARC LS1 used so it is a bit of a chance it won't work-I don't know if I'll put the preamp up for sale or the amp.
Just a thought. The sim amps do sound good and work well with tube preamps...I've heard three tube pre and sim amps and actually had one at one time....they mix well. Do try to hear the amp on a tube pre before you buy. Then you'll have a pretty good idea what do expect when you run a tube pre on it....good listening and good luck....
One word - McIntosh! Lots of good used amps in your
price range, power to spare, and if you don't like the
sound you can always sell for pretty much what you paid!