LINN aktiv vs passive biamping

I recently upgraded to aktiv LK85s for my Ninkas, and at first blush am preferring the passive mode. 'Audiophile' qualities of the aktiv mode are there- detail, punch, etc- but the music so far sounds flat, lazy and lifeless- no tune. In fact, the most tune has come from just using my Majik. Has anyone had similar experiences or know if setup becomes super critical in aktiv?

Genki, Majik, 2 LK85s, Keilidh Aktiv cards
LINN tell me that the cards should work fine with the Ninkas. I was able to talk to a dealer who suggested that the speaker placement was probably to blame. Apparently aktiv speakers can need to be further away from the wall to avoid the midrange issues I've heard. They may be able to be spaced further apart too; slight toe seems to continue to be recommended.

Guess it's time for me to tango with the towers- nothing like moving spikes around a hardwood floor; thought that was finished with already. I'm dubious, the sound difference and dissappointment are huge between passive and aktiv.

Then the biggest obstacle- spousal disdain for speakers in the living space.
The cards are exactly the same for Ninkas and Keilidhs; I have a pair of Keilidhs with new Ninka activ cards, in fact. I'm dissapointed to hear of your continued sound problems! I would begin to consider at this point the possibility that you may have a problem with the used cards. Perhaps you could even spring for a new pair of Ninka cards to solve the issue. The positive difference in sound between active and passive in my system was tremendous, one of the most dramatic improvements I've made. And speaker placement should not be that critical; yes, they can be farther from the wall, but you should actually have more flexibility in many ways. Don't settle 'til you get it right!
Just talked to LINN directly-

The gentleman I spoke with said he had actually heard of my complaint from consumers and dealers alike. His strong recommendation was to ensure that the post-nuts on the Ninkas' terminals are VERY tightly fastened.

Apparently the crossover cards can have insufficient contact if not well clamped together. I've never tightened them to the level as when they were shipped, thinking the torque applied must have been a slightly zealous fastening.

Another evening of experimentation and incurring expletives from the neighboor should tell...