Sonic Frontiers is bankrupt?

In Italy rumors says that SF is bankrupt.It's true?
Thank you.
No far from it.
Sonic Frontiers is wholly owned by Paradigm.They are strong and they are more involved in the Anthem side of HT gear for know.
A high end line of SOnic Frontiers HT gear is on the drawing board.
As I understand them, the facts are as follows. Sonic Frontiers has made the decision to exit the tube business. This is because their Anthem Home Theater business is doing exceptionally well while the 2-channel tube business is slowly decaying. They will of course honor all warranties and continue to sell loads of Anthem Home Theater gear. They are totally out of all Sonic tube products. I wouldn't be surprised to see a line of Sonic Frontiers, solid state, hi-end Home Theater products later this year. Walter
Let us have a moment of silence as another 2-channel tube business slowly decays.

I remain,
Sonic Frontiers is kind of a brief summary on the state of hi end.

Hi-end is a niche market. Tubes are but a niche of that niche. When a company bases their foundation on such a small slice of the pie and can not dominate or at least garner a very sizable portion of that market, they have no other choice but to take another route or forever close their doors. As such, i would rather see a company that is as dedicated as SF change course than go completely under. Sean