Sonic Frontiers is kind of a brief summary on the state of hi end.
Hi-end is a niche market. Tubes are but a niche of that niche. When a company bases their foundation on such a small slice of the pie and can not dominate or at least garner a very sizable portion of that market, they have no other choice but to take another route or forever close their doors. As such, i would rather see a company that is as dedicated as SF change course than go completely under. Sean
Hi-end is a niche market. Tubes are but a niche of that niche. When a company bases their foundation on such a small slice of the pie and can not dominate or at least garner a very sizable portion of that market, they have no other choice but to take another route or forever close their doors. As such, i would rather see a company that is as dedicated as SF change course than go completely under. Sean