Tubes plus SS

Much has been written on tubes vs. solid state.
However, I have heard some very nice things from
systems with solid state amps and tube preamps.
Has anyone had similar experience? Any recommendations
on pairing solid state and tubes in this way?
I looked at the thread "yet another ss vs. tube thread".
I was hoping to find recommendations for good pairing
between solid state and tubes, e.g. Krell amp plus
Conrad Johnson tube preamp. Don't find many specifics
Judit, I paired an Audio Research LS-15(pre) with a Classe 301. So far I like it!!
I have a Rogue 66 tube pre mated with my Bryston 4B-ST and really think there is a nice synergy between the two. The Rogue replaced a Bryston BP-25 preamp (SS) that while I found to be more revealing and accurate didn't provide the warmth and musicality the Rogue does. Audition a tube preamp if you can...
After owning the Electrocompaniet ECI-3 amd Simaudio Moon I-5 solid state integrateds, I have found true happiness with the BC21 tube preamp and BC22 solid state amp from Blue Circle. Being that the BC22 is rated at 120wpc versus the 70wpc for the two integrateds and having a nice tube preamp as a compliment, I find the Blue Circle combo to be more dynamic and much smoother. Overall, very good dynamics, liquidity and amazing soundstaging.
I've got a VTL TL 2.5 and a Bryston 4b-st combo that I like a lot (driving Thiels), though I am hoping to upgrade the VTL to a Rogue 99 magnum. I AB'd the VTL and a Rogue (standard edition) driving some Audio Physic speakers with a Krell amp (Cary CD for source) and, all else being equal, liked the sound of the Rogue much better. There are almost as many available combos as there might be folks to have opinions regarding how each might sound. I could only suggest that you mix and match to taste. As a general idea, though, I'd give the combo approach a hearty thumbs up.