Amp recommendations to drive Martin Logan Prodigy?

I need some input here please. I want to upgrade my Bel Canto 200.2 Evo amps. They are great amps but with the system I have right now: Audiomeca Mephisto II cdp, Wytech tube pre-amp and the ML Prodigy, they seem to have become the weak link.
I am a fan of Atmasphere amps, but since my speakers are low impedance 4 Ohm, this is not the amp to go for. (If I had the funds I would upgrade to the top Soundlab electrostats, which are 8 Ohm. They would be a perfect match for the Atmasphere amps. Well, maybe one day)
But back to my original question: I would love some monoblocks with my power hungry ML Prodigy, so one amp I looked at is the Electrocompaniet Nemo. The Mark Levinson 33 is a nice amps also, but above my budget.
Any other amp ideas to get the most out of my speakers?
the reason nobody chose tubes on martin logans is probaly because they have never heard them with tubes. tube amps deliver much more current than ss. if you are not useing tubes on any speaker you are missing alot of information. eloctrostats more than any other speaker need tubes. also if you use a ss amp make sure it is transformer coupled like a mcintosh. if you like to blast your system DO NOT BUY STATS ANYWAY. i have 3 systems running now, the best system has tube research in it. i would love to compare my amps to anyones ss. i have a krell 200s in my home theater so i have good ss. it is used on the sub only. a 55 watt tube amp runs the top.
I'll second the Tube Research Labs. Aren't you driving Sound Labs with your Tube Research, Kirk? Aren't they a tougher load than the Prodigy?
i still have the jm lab utopias right now brian. i have used tube research on a3s and u1s though. they were easy to drive with tube research. i even had the smaller 300s on them. ss still keeps cars from rolling down the hill. i will keep the tubes.