personal experiences with quaility preamps...

i'm switching from a receiver to separates system, and need some personal experiences with quaility preamps you had or heard. also, if you have time, please recommand me amps that go with the preamps. thanks a million...


p.s. budget is around 3K altogether.
For $3000, I would go with the used ARC Classic or the D series for tube amp and used ARC SP8 for pramp. Great gear for the price. For the amp, depends what speakers you have and you can decide on all tube or hybrid amp. Sp 8 is the best overall tube preamp with phono for the money.

I'm going to assume since you're switching from a receiver you might not want to jump right into tubes, but there are some fine recommendations for tube stuff above.

In terms of solid state, you could have one helluva good start with an Adcom GFA-750 preamp(around $1200 new) and a used McCormack DNA-0.5 Rev. A amp(around $1500) and still have some cash left over for decent interconnects. If no 0.5 Rev. As are available(or if you don't want to buy used stuff) you could buy a new McCormack DNA-125 and still be close to your budget. Another amp option would be the Odyssey Stratos that should work well and only set you back $1000 mail order direct(and you can upgrade to monoblocks later if you want).

The McCormack amp should work well with a passive preamp, and if you're open to that route you should definitely check out the Placette passive unit(the one with 3 inputs). Any combination of these amps and preamps will deliver a huge performance boost from a receiver and meet your budget. Best of luck.

Lot's of great ideas here for you Dave. Personally, I like Sugarbrie's suggestion of the Blue Circle separates, because that's what I happen to own. There are some VERY viable combos mentioned here too, such as the VK3i with the McCormack DNA 0.5, and ARC combos. I would also offer up the Rogue 66/88 combo as well.

Redkiwi's idea of getting a good integrated is a great plan as well. The Plinius is an awesome machine. I used to own the Simaudio Moon I-5 and also the Electrocompaniet ECI-3 integrateds, and can vouch for their quality.

Go out and sample as much as you can. Everything depends on your taste in sonic reproduction as well as your accompanying equipment, so listen to as much as you can. But the suggestions listed previous to mine are a great place to start looking. Have fun and happy hunting!
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (not 3A) with Mullard 6922 tubes(~$700-$800) and Pass Aleph 5 ($1500) (or Aleph 4, if you can stretch to $2800-$3000). With a good speaker match, this will jump you to near state of the art with very little money.
melos ma333r or sha-gold-r preamp: tubed, remote control volume/balance, great sound - able to compete w/the bestout there, imo - $1k-$2k used.

amps: electrocompaniet aw60ftt, aw75dmb, aw100dmb, aw120dmb. killer solid-state amps, not tube-like, but still warm, w/o losing any detail. amazing current cappacity. $800-$2k used...

these also work great together, imo... but, i'm biased - i use a music-director (last iteration of the ma333r) w/two wertically bi-amped aw60ftt's! ;~)

doug s.