Looking for a tube preamp that is 1700 or less.

Need help on looking for a good tube preamp that is under $1700.00. The tube preamp must have xlr balanced input and output for my dac, sacd player and my amp. So far i was looking into the Sonic Frontiers Line 2 and it almost have everything i need but i am open into other tube preamp. Can someone help me out with some suggestion. I have too many solid state and i want to move into some tubes. I also want full balanced.

My current system:
Martin Logan Ascent (Speakers)
Musical Fidelity A3cr (Preamp)
Pass Lab X-250 (Amp)
Denon DP-S1 (CD Transport)
Marantz SA-14 (SACD)
Classe DAC-1 (D/A)
BAT Vk3i would be well within your budget and would definitely give you the classic tube sound. You may be able to pick up a VK5i for just over $1,700. Both are fully balanced, I believe. If you can stretch your budget a little, the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 is a great unit - it's very transparent and neutral though and may not give you the classic tube warmth that you may be looking for. Good luck.
Listen to a Rogue 99,the SF Line 2 is also a good choice.Dont buy anything you cant Audition in your own set up.
Natalie. Does the Rogue 99 have balanced in/out's? They don't mention that in the spec's at their website.