CAT Pre seeking Opinion

I just brought a CAT Ultimate pre and is now seeking for a power amp to go along. At the moment, this are the few I have in mind : Jeff Rowland Model 10, Casse CA400, Krell KFA300. Opinion and contribution appreciated. BTW, what pre tubes would you suggest.
A dog in a cat?
A mouse in Friday mood.
A smiley that leads one no where.
No thanks, Marakanetz ;-(

Now Lawrence, back to your posts...
I would suggest you do separate auditions with those amps you have mentioned.
As you know, it is a highly subjective hobby which we have gottened ourselves into.
So go and try it out even though I would vote for the model 10 - if you would to ask me.
I have a cat (pause to reflect). I'll ask her what she thinks and get back with you. Definitely Friday :^)
I am using my CAT Ultimate with Krell fpb600C...excellent..I was very inclined to sell my CAT when I auditioned the Krell KCT preamp,(KCT has much more convenient features), but after extended comparison.. the CAT was better in every also matches the Krell beautifully..